Monday 21 February 2011

Do as I say......

and definately not as I do!!

This is what happens when you press your border fabric having forgotton you traced your stitchery using a Frixion pen!

I'd like to say I did this deliberately to show you how good these pens are at dissapearing  but I suspect that after the Mug Rug saga.... you wouldn't believe me.  And you are so right!    Honestly.... if brains were dynamite I haven't enough to blow my hat off!! 

Plus!  I need a slap....a good hard slap at that!    Why..... because Tilly came to stay and sew for the weekend and I forgot to take photos!!

She was busy making the gorgeous 'Beyond Measure' sewing machine cover designed by  Roslyn Mirrington of Bloom.     Belive me if I could've sneaked it out of her suitcase when she left... I would've.   Sadly... Tilly is much too savvy to let me anywhere near her case so it looks like I'm going to have to make my own.   Now... where did I put my projects 'to do' list.

On the subject of projects to do.  This arrived on Saturday....

... and now I have a desperate need to start work on the lovely framed stitchery by Leanne Knell of Petals & Patches  featured on the front cover (I've already ordered a Verna charm pack).  I know I'm going to be sorely tempted by the new BOM about to launch too.  This magazine should come with a Public Wealth Warning.   It's leading me down the rocky road to ruin and I know I won't be travelling alone!

And how about this for bringing a ray of sunshine into an otherwise wet Monday morning...

I've loved this fabric from the moment I clapped eyes on it and now I have some.   Looks like my wee pin pals love it too.  Honestly... could you stick pins in those little creatures.  It's cruelty.

Now I'm on the lookout for the 'perfect' quilt pattern for this fabric.   Anyone got any ideas?

Before I go I thought I'd share a photo with all the Farm Girls out there in Quiltland...... a field in Scotland!
The field in front of my house......

Normally it's full of sheep but today..... it's just two heaps of dung!!  Another damp...aromatic day in the country for me then....

Take care....
till next time...


Anonymous said...

I feel like bosom brainless buddies!!! And our current life is the same. Almost 50 (give me 7 more months), married, no kids, two cats! *grin*. Just to tempt you, Josie, I'm doing the Homespun 2011 BOM and have started a special blog for us who are going to do it. A stitch-a-long blog. Come and join!

Leanne said...

Hi Josie,

Thank you for your comment on my Homespun project, I'm glad you like it and hope that you enjoy stitching it. Love your blog - nice!!!!!

By the way did you know that if you put your fabric that you ironed with the Frixion pen (when it disappeared) in the freezer for a while it should reappear.

My daughter used one on her homework and the heat/sun in the car also made part of it disappear, so I put it in the freezer and back it came. Try it on a scrap of fabric and see how it goes.

Happy stitching,


Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hi Josie,
just popped over for a peek, been quite a visit thanks very much. I love your cute chicken mug rug, it is super gorgeous!

Q said...

I got jealous when I saw your Henrietta :) So while you were at the quilt show, I made me one!