Thursday 30 June 2011

Missing in action!

All I can say about the last week is..... it rained!   Actually one day we had light snow... hail then thunder and lightning all in the space of 15 minutes!  Oh... and a small tornado hit about 6 miles away at the same time.  Just your average summer in Scotland then!

I may have been missing but I have been active..... 

I floated my boat!    Couldn't believe my luck when I popped into our local craft store and found that lovely blue fabric I used for the sea.   I wasn't looking for anything but there it was.... put there by the quilting fairies just for me.  Perfect!

I'd been feeling really down in the dumps too.  Needed to pull myself up by my boot straps but just couldn't.  Then I found the blue fabric and not only that I found the exact red fabric I needed for my Tiny Town too.  I promise you it wasn't there when I was looking for it.   It was one of those magic moments.... like when you ask the parking fairy to make a space for you when you are running late.... and there it is right outside the door!

The applique isn't quite finished yet.  Still got the portholes to shape up and stitch and a bit of stitchery to do.

I did a bit more of this too......

Just three more small houses for each of the blocks on the right.... a bit of stitching and Block 1 of Tiny Town will be in the bag.    Did I say just......!

Finally reached the end of this.....

It may have taken ages but I'm dying to start the next long piece!  Does that make me a masochist?

Tilly is arriving late tonight for a little 'retreat'.  She'll be staying for a week or so and I've already put her in charge of cracking the whip around here.  She has orders to keep me on track.   Firstly with this....

This will become blocks 2 & 3 of Vignette in the next few days.... it will.... I'm determined!   There's some applique and stitcheries still to do but I'll stay up late if I have to.... anything to get it done.

Meet my new best friend..... 

I wish I'd bought one of these blades ages ago.... it's great!   Applique on pieced blocks is going to be much neater now.... less frayed edges. 

I've plans to get to grips with My Town BOM this next week too.   I've decided to applique using my new favourite starch/freezer paper method... it's so much faster for me.  Besides I like it.   I'm hoping to catch up with the rest of the group.  OK... that's not going to happen overnight but to get off to a good start this week it would help. 

I'm going to go stash diving for My Town too.   I do love the original fabrics I bought but I have one or two other projects hidden away that those fabrics will work for.   Right now I feel the need to fly by the seat of my pants so it's STASH.... here I come! 

OK.... I'd better get going.    Now that I'm back in the land of the living I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on...... I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up too.

Hope you've been busy stitching....

Till next time...

Josie X

Thursday 23 June 2011

Tried something new.....

..... loved it.  Now I'm kicking myself I didn't try it sooner!

What's got me so excited..... applique!  Specifically applique using the freezer paper and spray starch method.   I know...I know it's been around for ages but I'm slow to catch on! 

Yesterday I was reading the general instructions for Tiny Town (better late than never eh!) where the freezer paper/starch method was mentioned.    I must have been in a curious mood coz I decided to give it a go.... am I glad I did!

Tried it out on this ....

OK... the house was done with my usual English needleturn and the flower with the 'new' method.  Not much of a difference to look at but I have to say the paper/starch method felt easier

Having a crisp edge made sewing a doddle.  Stopped me wandering off line and having to unpick too. 
Oh.... and I broke open my prized bottle of Roxanne's Glue Baste and tried it too.... fantastic!

Today....I feel like burning my bra I'm so liberated!!

I didn't try the starch method before because it all sounded a bit messy.... and we all know what I think about mess!    Well...  I have to admit it wasn't messy at all and more to the point preparing the pieces was really relaxing and fun.

While I'm on the subject of applique.....  have any of you got a sure fire way to get a sharp point on leaves?    The closer I get to the tip.... the more I hyperventilate in anticipation of having to deal with the dreaded point.   I wonder if anyone has ever passed out while sewing a leaf!   

Look what I found.....

My stash of Klosjes....  all 4 of them !!   There are more in the tin... cut out and ready to hand sew.   You know I look at that pretty Tilda tin (pressie from Tilly) every day so tell me..... how did I forget what I put in it.   Now that I've found them again.... hummmm... they are pretty and relaxing to sew!

Hexie cutting is on the back burner again now.   I did get a bunch ready to sew before I quit though.

This just arrived.....

It's not a BIG project.... honest!  It's gorgeous though and totally irresistible.... and it's mine.... all mine! 

Better go and starch something.... before I loose my grip...

Till next time...

Josie X

Saturday 18 June 2011


I've been hooked on hexies this last couple of days.    So it was a no brainer to choose stitching them for FNSI.

I added these to my little stash.....

These bring me up to 30 finished.   Still a long way to go.   But I did get a few more ready to stitch .....

I'm cutting more hexies today.... honestly once you start it's impossible to stop.   I'm having a whale of a time snipping away.....

Isn't it funny how a pile of tiny scraps makes you feel really productive. 

So..... I had another really great FNSI.   Feeling the vibe and enjoying my sewing in great company.  Raised a nice glass of Shiraz to absent friends too.   Of course I had to watch more ER too.... I'm a creature of habits... most of them bad!!

Till next time

Josie X

Friday 17 June 2011

The key to success.....

is preparation... preparation.... preparation.    A gal can never be over prepared.... right!

Hence....... I decided to get some more hexies ready for sewing.  Just in case I fancy spending FNSI Friday working on my Vignette Hexagon Quilt

I've dragged everything but the kitchen sink out looking for just the right fabrics.....

Why do I bother!    I set out to make a scrappy quilt so why so much fuss.  I'll never learn.  Didn't realise I was such a control freak till now.

I know why I do it..... it's fun!

This arrived in the post today......

I've needed wanted some of this fabric for so long it's nothing short of a miracle that I didn't order it ages ago.   I was determined to resist.  Told myself I had enough jelly rolls ..... but I didn't have this one.... and it's soooooo pretty!    Besides I already have a project in mind for it..... so that makes it OK.... right. 

This arrived too.....

Yet more 'must do's' this month .... my head is spinning.   I think learning to sew with my feet actually is the only way forward.

Now then...... Bagpuss is taking FNSI really seriously this month.  He says if hoards of women are coming round for a stitch in tonight they'd better behave themselves........


Till next time....

Josie X

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Heads up.......

I knew there was something I forgot to mention last time.

It's that time again.......this coming Friday the 17th is FNSI night!!    If you fancy joining in the fun just click on the button on my sidebar that looks like this.....

and add your name to the list.    You know.... a little of what you fancy does you good!

I haven't decided what I'm going to work on this time.  I'm spoilt for choice already and there is always the temptation to start something new! 

One thing for sure.... whatever I do it will involve a glass or two of wine.   You're very welcome to join me...just bring your own bottle!!

Till next time.....


Monday 13 June 2011

Butterfly brained......

I flitted from project to project the whole weekend.  Never settling long enough on one to make any serious progress. 

Made a bit of a mess in my little space......

OK... I know that some of you won't think it's messy at all.  But for little old anal me..... this is a dump! 

Got lots of little things done though.   Like my Butterfly Garden challenge.....

Remember these were all in the queue for the hoop on Friday.  I'm really chuffed I stuck to it and finished them all.   Look Nicky.... I'm this much closer to the finish line. 

Did some satin stitching on the daisy centres for my Vignette border too.  I didn't take a photo of that coz it's so long I have to stand a mile away to get it all in shot! 

Now..... I've accepted another challenge!!    Don't laugh.... it's rude!

I spotted that Anne Marie is working on Tiny Town BOM from Bunny Hill Designs.   I commented on her lovely work and next thing I know I'm accepting her challenge to join her in making the quilt!  How could I refuse.... you know I already have the pattern and fabrics.....I'm sure I told you a while back.

OK... so it's another BIGGIE!   I can cope... I can..... honest..... arrrrrrrrrgh!  

I made a start yesterday.....

I couldn't finish the block coz I discovered I was missing a fat quarter of a fabric that I couldn't find an alternative for in stash.   I know.... sounds a bit far fetched to me too.

This is as far as I got....

The big bit is the wrong way round so.... in your minds eye rotate it through 90 degrees to the right.... imagine a block of fabric I haven't got between it and the strip of green and you'll have the complete picture...... have you done that?    Good!   Honestly....some folks are so gullible!

Maybe you have a Tiny Town BOM stashed away yourself.  Maybe a tingle just ran down your spine when you saw my pattern.  Just maybe you might like to join in the challenge too!

If you do.... just click on the button in the sidebar and it will take you directly to Anne Marie who can add your name to the list of idiots quilters who have already succumbed.

Made a bit of progress with the Chrismas Present Quilt too.....

Not much but I did trace the stitcheries for the next block and prepared the boat block for applique.  I remembered to reverse the design this time.... clever me eh!

Cut another half dozen hexie flowers too.  I really need to get on with this project before I fall too far behind.

Now for what the best dressed woman was wearing at the weekend....

I can assure you I was actually wearing it but I had to detatch it from the harness to get a picture.   Mickey Mouse ear protectors are this years fashion must have don't you think.

I've been doing battle with the grass here......

Not a great photo..... not a great photographer!

Ours is not so much a garden as a bit of moderately tamed countryside.   Turn your back on it for two minutes and David Attenborough is moving in to do a wildlife documentary!    We've had so much rain it's been impossible to cut grass till now.    You know that darned stuff keeps on growing regardless.

Looks a bit better now don't ya think....

The road out of here is my next project.......

before I need a machete to go shopping!

Till next time....

Josie X

Friday 10 June 2011

I have a plane......

I have a plan too.... but more on that later.

Without further ado..... my first completed block of Macs Christmas Quilt.... aka A Boys Story

Drat!!  I just realised I haven't stitched the 'flight lines' behind the plane.  Double drat!!  Haven't stitched the detail on the plane either.   Just pretend you haven't noticed and I promise I'll fix it later.

This is a brilliant project for the man kid in your life.   No matter what age..... if it's male it's bound to love this quilt.    I love this bit......

It gave me the giggles the whole time I was stitching on it.   Lots more comic strips to come too.... they are so much fun to do.   I get to stitch a boat next.... and I'm already itching to get started.   After I finish the plane that is.... drat!

Now....  something for the weekend.

I have this in the hoop.....

and these in the queue for the hoop......

Yes it's no less than 4 mini blocks from Block 8 of Butterfly Garden.        If you have BG stashed... neglected and gathering dust why not join Nicky..... me and a growing gang of quilting Desperadoes......  desperate to finish this project that is..... and start stitching butterflies again.  You know you'll love it!

I've a confession to make too..... about this......

It's the first block of My Town BOM.   I've decided to start it again!


Because it's gone all stiff!

I haven't done much fusing before ... just little bits and pieces...  and there's a whole lot of it in this block.  In fact everything is fused.... even my iron!   I used Steam-a-Seam 2 Lite but it feels way too rigid for my liking.  I've blanket stitched most of it and really enjoyed doing it too.....but there's no getting away from it.... I just prefer a more  'floppy' feel to a quilt.   So..... I'm going to do the block again with needle turn applique.

Call me crazy if you like..... the truth can't hurt!

You know when I started writing this I had a plan for the weekend...... now I can't remember what it was!   DRAT!!

Perhaps I'll re-start My Town or I might just float my boat.   Hexies... now there's an idea.  Vignette has been neglected this week.  Too many choices for a procrastinator!

Reckon I'll start by doing my ironing before the heap totally blocks the light from the window.   I can stitch tomorrow.  There's Formula 1 on TV..... the Canadian Grand Prix.... love it!   Makes me stitch faster too... all those revving engines.

Or maybe I'll make a cup of tea and enjoy this......

No contest eh!

Till next time

Josie X

Monday 6 June 2011

Frustrated..... who me?

It's been some weird weekend here!

Kitty arrived on Friday for a few days relaxed stitching..... some hope!  Relaxing is one thing the weekend wasn't.   We've both spent the last three days in a total flummox.... messing up everything we touch.   We are spending a lot of time laughing though.... hysterically! 

I decided to get ahead of the game with the Christmas present quilt.......

Anyone making A Boys Story will spot my first mistake.   I'll give you a minute to think.......... times up!
My aeroplane is flying in the wrong direction!      Who forgot to reverse the design before tracing on the back of her fabric!   Oh well... I decided to stick with the planes new flight path and carry on.

Now I really like needle turn applique.  It usually works well for me.  Not this time.    At one stage I felt I'd have better luck if I tried stitching like this......

Apologies to anyone who has a foot aversion and finds the sight of my little Chipolata Sausage toes less than appealing! 

It took me 7 hours.... 7 HOURS.... to applique those circles and despite what the photo depicts I did sew with my hands.    Talk about frustration..... I'd rather not!  

I did a little better with this though.....

SPLAT!!   Sums my weekend up in one word!!

Kitty fared a little better..... for a while.     She finished peicing her notice board from Vignette.  She worked on the stitcheries last visit......

She really likes blue..... a lot!    It's really pretty.  She's thinking of putting it in a white frame which I think will look great.

Her problems started here.....

It's called a Quilters Friend and I've assured her it's going to be really useful...... when she's finished cussing at it!!    This Zippered Pocket will go inside......

If she can calm down long enough to sew the thing together.   She's resorted to reading her sewing machine manual..... show's how desperate she is!

We have decided to retire to the lounge in the hope of a calm evening of stitching and this......

Bottoms up!!

Till next time....

Josie X

Thursday 2 June 2011

Big Bag Love!!

Madeline is finally ready to make her debut......

I can't wait to hit the streets with her....

Even my mum has fallen for her and believe me she is a tough judge.....

If you're looking for a bag to make up in a weekend..... a day if you don't mess about like me..... then this is the bag for you.   It's a dream to sew.   No swearing... grinding of teeth... hair pulling or resorting to strong drink involved.   I didn't get a photo of the great zippered pocket inside.... but trust is there. 

I like it so much..... I reckon I'll make another one.    After I've made Libby that is.  Looks like two bags are going to Birmingham Quilt Festival with me this year. 

I've just committed to finishing this too.....

 Nicky over at Farm Girl Stitching  blogged about wanting to finish her Butterfly Garden BOM and of course I opened my big mouth happliy agreed to join her and finish mine too.     The photo is of my progress on Block 8.... only one more block and the quilting to do after this.  Not much if you say it fast.  You can see how it looks so far here.

Now.... because I'm closer to the end than the start of BG I decided to make a start on this once I finish.....

Yep.... another BIG project that's been on my 'to do' list for way too long.   I'm so late in starting I missed the Stitch-a-long for this quilt.   I'm not buying more fabric.  I'm sure I can find something in my stash to use..... makes room for more... right!

Mac found his old police whistle yesterday.... takes me back to watching  'Dixon of Dock Green' when I was a kid.  Anyhow.... he gave a little whistle in my craft room.....

and Licky Lou gave him a look that says..... PEST!!

Till next time.....

Josie X