Thursday 20 March 2014

Catching Up - Part 1

Time to say goodbye........

Early Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago Licky Lou woke me up in obvious distress.  I rushed her to the vet who diagnosed a blood clot blocking the circulation to her rear legs.   Fortunately we got there in time for the vet to begin treating her with clot busting drugs and pain killers for her sudden paralysis but sadly..... despite all his best efforts and hers too..... she wasn't able to recover.

The sewing room is so empty without her.  

Licky was 'one of the girls'.    She never missed a sewing day and never missed her share of the boiled ham Chris and Sally brought for lunch either.   She contributed a little something to all our projects in the form of her 'signature' black fluff.  

I miss our daily love fests........

Lou loved to cuddle and kiss and I count myself so lucky to have been the recipient of her affections for the last 16 years.

Love you Lou Lou......


I'll be back very soon with part 2  - the sewing update.


marina said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Josie. It's always hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet.
Poor girl..

sunny said...

So sorry for your loss. It really is hard to lose a family member.

Anonymous said...

oh i am so sorry Josie,RIP little Licky Lou,sending you big hugs Josie.xx

Sue said...

Oh no, so sorry for your loss, hopefully memories of the happy times will help you get through this.

Anthea said...

Oh Josie - I am so sorry to read of what happened to Licky Lou... it's been so lovely to see her in your pics and read of what she's up to... a kitty with so much love to give is most certainly now in Cat Heaven... xx

Susan said...

So sorry to hear about your poor girl. They really do touch our hearts (and leave something of themselves in all our projects). X

Jeanette said...

So sorry to hear of your loss Josie. Hugs, xx

Shirley said...

Oh what a sad time for you. That will leave a huge gap. Sending you a big hug.xx

Elizabeth said...

I'm so sorry Josie, you've had such a hard time recently with your two furry little people. The house is certainly missing the patter of paws. Big hugs, Elizabeth

Helen said...

Oh Josie I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Lou Lou sending big hugs.

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Oh no. So sorry for your loss. So hard to loose our special little furry friends. hugs xx

Diane-crewe said...

we know its going to happen .. but its a memeber of the family that has gone .. and one that sometimes .. we see more of than the non-fury one x it does get less painful .. a day at a time x

Pat said...

So sorry for your loss, Josie ((hugs))

Ellen said...

So sorry for you loss Josie. It is so sad and so hard when we lose a beloved pet.

Sherry said...

I am so sorry for your loss. May your memories help ease the pain. Hugs......

Alice said...

They really do fill our lives. May all the happy memories ease your sadness.

Debra said...

Josie - So, so sad to hear of your loss of Licky Lou just 2 months after losing Beau. I am so sorry. I know our little quilt buddies mean the world to us and we love them so much. Hugs, Debra

FloS said...

It's so sad … It's not a good year for your cats….
I'm sending my best thoughts !

Quilting Moesje said...

Ah.. soo sweet :0))

Sorry for your loss too. ..

♡ Simone

Me and My Stitches said...

So sorry about the loss of your sweet kitty. It is so hard to lose a pet. Sending hugs and prayers to you!

Wendy said...

So sorry to read about your furbaby going the way of the kitty rainbow...may all your sweet memories fill in the ache left in your heart...a big hug sent to you from across the pond.

Kindred Quilts said...

Lou Lou will always have a special place in your heart. So sorry for you Josie.

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Josie! We recently had to make the tough decision to say goodbye to our 15 year old Border Collie, so I know how sad your heart must be right now. I hope fond memories of kittie cuddles and purs will be a comfort to you ... and knowing that there are people all over the world sending caring thoughts and cyber hugs your way. Bear Hugs! KRIS

margaret said...

there will be a big hole in your life now but I am sure you will look back with some lovely memories of time with your Licky Lou, 16 years is quite an age for a cat, I am sure she had a lovely life with you

Nicky said...

Oh Josie, I'm so sorry to hear about your Miss Licky Lou. She has been such a feature in your blog posts, we will miss her too! Thinking of you xx

Dawn said...

So sorry for your loss. They are furry family. Take care and enjoy your special memories.

Raewyn said...

I'm so sorry to read about Licky Lou, it sounds like she had a long and happy life and I know you will have lots of nice memories and gorgeous photos. Take care my friend.

Tania said...

So very sorry to hear of the passing of Licky Lou, my thoughts are with you. One of the hardest things is to lose a much loved little friend and companion xx