Friday 3 February 2012

My First Bloggy Birthday!!

I can't believe my little blog is 1 year old today!   How time flies when you're having fun.

Now if you read my last post you'll already know that I'm celebrating with you all by having a give-a way.  So without further ado here's what I'm going to send  to one lucky reader....

No... it's not a tiny book and a charm pack.   It's a big book and a layer cake... honest. 

You know how much I love my copy of Simplify .  There are ton's of gorgeous things to make inside and I plan to make them all.... ahem... when I've finished everything on  my BOM list that is!   As for the Ruby layer cake.... who wouldn't like one.   It's so fresh.. clean and cheery looking whatever you make with it is going to be gorgeous. 

So here's the rub..... this time there are two ways of getting your name in the hat.   That means you can enter the draw twice if you want to.      To enter the draw one time just leave a comment on this post.  Simple as that.    Then... if you are a follower feel free to leave a second comment telling me so.   No cheating (as if you would).

The draw will close at Midnight (UK time) on Wednesday February 8th.    Hope you'll take a moment to enter.... one of you is going to get lucky.

You know... when I started this blog I didn't for a moment think that anyone would read it.  It amazes me that you are here right now reading this.  I feel very honoured that you took the time to visit.  Thank you.
I didn't imagine either the number of lovely bloggers from all over the world that I'd meet and enjoy the company (in spirit) of.   I'd just like you to know I appreciate each and every one of you.   Now... pass me a tissue I'm getting all over emotional <wink>

Well.... it's been another hectic week here.   I've not had the 'me' day I planned.  That idea went down the drain very quickly.   I haven't been ignoring my stitching completely though.   I've managed to finish this....

the 2nd block of my Dear Jane.   Did you know there are no less than 40 separate pieces of fabric in this block and that the block is only 5" unfinished?   Phew... wish someone had told me before I started!  Boy did it test my machine piecing skills.

Then I stitched this one.....

I'd originally started hand piecing this one then changed my mind half way though and decided to applique the pale shapes onto a background fabric instead.   Hummmm.... I'm not really sure if I'm happy with this one or not.   The perfectionist in me is screaming that I've not got the points where the leaf shapes meet just right.  I figure if I don't look at it for a while it might look better somewhere down the line.   If not... guess who'll be hand piecing the 3rd attempt! 

I've been stitching another flower border for my Vignette quilt this week too.   I was going to show you but it's so creased and covered in cat hair I figured I'd save it for later.... when I've cleaned it up a bit.

I'd love to talk more but I must dash.   More things to do... less time to do them in.    Don't you all know how that feels!

So.... enter the give-a-way right now...before you forget.   Then have a wonderful weekend doing whatever makes you happy....

See you soon



Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Your blocks are so beautiful! Happy 1 Year Birthday!!

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

I am a happy follower of your blog! Thank you for two chances to win your wonderful prize!

Ellen said...

Happy birthday to you! I think your DJ blocks look great. My husband gave me the book for Christmas and now I just have to start!

cynthia said...

I am a follower of your adorably named blog. Congrats on the anniversary

cynthia said...

What a spectacular giveaway!

Ellen said...

I am a follower too! Thank you for the giveaway.

Michele said...

Wonderful giveaway. I love, love Ruby. congrats on your one year anniversary.

Diane-crewe said...

well Im a follower and will continue to be AFTER the blogaversaryxx lovely blocks by the way xx

Just Sew Sue said...

Happy blogiversary. Congratulations on persevering with Vigentte, my middle is pieced from the last issue and then I stopped. I will get back to it.

Just Sew Sue said...

I've been a regular reader of your block for some time and now I'm a follower.

Grethe said...

How great:Happy 1 year anniversary, and I`ll love to win!!
Nice DJ blocks,very special the one with 40 pieces(I will do that one last,if ever!)
Your BG looks so super,Josie;good luck with the finish.

kitty said...

Are your pals allowed to join the draw? Your dear Jane blocks are lovely- but I thought i had done enough swearing when making mine at one of my visists that you would have known!!
happy birthday

Raewyn said...

Beautiful blocks and a lovely (generous) giveaway. Best wishes to you from this follower here in NZ. Hope you find some 'me' time soon :-)

Lynda said...

Happy 1 year! I too have been surprised at how many wonderful people I have met through blogging. I admire anyone who tackles a Dear Jane quilt. They are beautiful.

Lynda said...

Yep, I've been a follower for awhile. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great giveaway.

Wendy said...

Happy Blogversary to you! May you have many more years to come.

I love the DJ blocks. I am getting ready to start mine. Going to be doing them all by hand.

Wendy said...

I am a follower of yours and enjoy coming by to see what you are up to. Have a great day!

Michelle said...

Time flies when you're having fun! Happy Bloggiversary... looking forward to another year!

Michelle said...

And I'm a follower too...:O)

Anonymous said...

oh Josie i would love to win these,Ruby is my favourite and i still have none of it to date,oh i would wet my pants with excitement if i was the lucky winner.xx

Anonymous said...

Hi again Josie i am already a happy follower.xx

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! What a fantastic giveaway.

Supergoof said...

Happy birthday!!!!!
Proficiat from The Netherlands,...

marina said...

Happy blog birthday to you, Happy blog birthday to you!
You can imagine whatever style of singer you wish, I'l like a valkyrie type woman with a fork and long plaits myself. You work it out for yourself.
Would love to enter your giveaway and love reading your blog!
Your dj blocks have made me giddy just thinking about them. they look beautiful.

Supergoof said...

and yesssssssss I am already a follower,... Why? because I simply LOVE your blog!

marina said...

I'll commit to being a proper follower too! How's that for commitment.
boy I left a long comment previous. lol

Anonymous said...

1 already?? Wowsers! Good on you for doing Dear Jane. It's one I'd love to do but I don't think I'm going to ever get there!! I have too many other things waiting to be done!!

Tilly Talksalot said...

Happy First Blog Birthday and may there be many more to come. Doesn't time fly. Can't believe its a year already!! Speak to you soon my friend. Hugs Tilly XX

Fiona said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday... there's no stopping you now... that little block is lovely... hard to believe there is so many pieces in that small square...

Fiona said...

.... and now I'm singing Happy Bloggy Birthday for my followers second entry.....

Jeanette said...

Happy blogoversary. Love to win. Your blocks look fabulous. Hugs,

Jeanette said...

And now i'm a follower. Thought i'd already done it . Hugs

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog-a-versary to you! I have been blogging for nearly 4 years and have made so many friends and found so many awesome blogs..your's included! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to mention...YES, I am following your blog too! :)

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Congratulations on your blogging birthday and thank you for the chance to win your giveaway

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

I am also a devoted follower :o)

Jocelyn said...

Happy Blogiversary!! Your blocks look great! And thanks for a very generous giveaway :-)

Jocelyn said...

I am now a new follower ;-D

Larissa said...

Congrats on your first bloggy birthday!! That's fantastic!! And what a fantastic giveaway!! I am a huge fan of Camille's designs, though I am yet to purchase my own copy of Simplify yet ( it's on the top of my list, though my new computer has taken precedence over this list atm ... I should be ordering it either Friday, or the following Monday!! Woohoo!!) ... Your Dear Jane blocks are darling!! I decided to start with some basic straight lined blocks!

Larissa said...

... And yes, I am a dedicated follower!!

Karen said...

Wow! What a great giveaway. I'm in, I'd love to win - I really like Ruby

Janet said...

Happy 1st Anniversary! And I would be thrilled if I one the book :)

Janet said...

I'm a follower and your blog is one of my all time favorites! You always make me smile :)

Grethe said...

AND YES,I`m a follower as well :-)
Lovely giveaway,Josie;looking forward to 8th of February - the big day for your draw!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. Love your blog too.

Anonymous said...

I'm also a follower now too.

Tatkis said...

Thank you for the chance to win such beautiful items! Congratulations with the first blog anniversary!

Your blocks are lovely!


Lorri said...

Happy first birthday! WOuld love to win such a generous gift! I love Ruby fabric. Cant wait until Camilles new line comes out in March. have a great week

Lorri said...

I am a follower of your blog!

Nicky said...

Happy Birthday Dilly Dimple, you are one of my fave blogs, always a giggle here!

Nicky said...

.........and could you kindly put my followers entry in Shez' name, I would love to see her wet her pants if she wins...LOL

Lydia said...

Yay to your one year anniversary!! Congrats!

Lydia said...

... And of course I am an avid follower. Love your work!

Linda Coleman said...

Congrats on your blogoversary.

Linda Coleman said...

I am a follower of your blog which always gives me pleasure watching the wonderful treasures that you make.

Sandra said...

Hi Josie I'm usually a 'silent follower' but this give away is just lovely!

LuAnn said...

Your Dear Jane blocks are looking great. I would love to be entered into your giveaway to win the book and the gorgeous layer cake.

LuAnn said...

I've also been a follower of your blog for quite awhile now. I love your quilts and projects.

Gill said...

One of my favourite fabric lines!!

Gill said...

I'm a happy follower!

Wendy said...

Congrats Josie, your's is one of my favourite places to visit!

Wendy said...

I am definitely a follower.

Josie Passell said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and two very pretty blocks. I am not a follower of any blog but I do read yours and a few others regularly. I nominate the lady with the bladder problem to win. ( I only have a problem when I cough or sneeze).

Raewyn said...

Grin - *as instructed* here is my second comment, as I am a follower too :-). Hugs.

Michelle said...

I am now a new follower, please put me in the draw, thanks Michelle.

Michelle said...

Your blocks are gorgeous! Have a great weekend, Michelle.

Cheryll said...

I became a follower BEFORE this give away.. quilters honour! :)

Cheryll said...

For my second chance to win...
I lOvE the fabric and colour choice of your two blocks by the way! :)

Sewhappy said...

Hi there, happy one year and hope that it is the first of many.

~Niki~ said...

lovely blog, and in a year, look, you have 69 comments !
i've been blogging many years off and on and don't have many comments daily. you are doing something right! ;)
I have a fabric giveaway going on if you want to come check me out .

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're blogging. And glad I found you! Happy one year anniversary!

Anonymous said...

...and now, since I'm a Follower and have been for some time now, I'm back to post a second comment!

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Josie! Happy Blog Birthday! :0) Blogging sure can broaden our horizons and help us 'meet' lovley like-minded people all over the world. I hope you continue to enjoy blogging and chatting to your now-wide circle of friends. Your Dear Jane blocks look great, too. I would never have the patience to tackle this quilt, but have seen some gorgeous finished ones ... I'll just admire from afar! Tee! Hee! Hee! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Kaye R said...

Happy bloggy birthday - how very exciting.......

Kaye R said...

How rude, I didn't realize I was not a follower, I have been blog stalking you for quite awhile. I am now a follower, not just listing on my blog...... A big happy blog day again

Supergoof said...

I just had to have a look,....
Fijn weekend!

Chookyblue...... said...

happy belated blog birthday.....sorry I am so late.......