I woke up and it wasn't raining! That was odd for a start. I set out on the grocery run happy and relaxed. Should have know it wouldn't last. By lunchtime we'd had rain... sleet and finally snow. By the time I arrived home I was soaked to the skin. Frozen to the bone. And more than a bit ticked off.
When I finally made it into the sewing room I was greeted (actually she couldn't be bothered) by a rather sad looking Tiggy.....
This is what a really fed up little cat looks like after weeks of rain. Pour soul. She's as sick and tired of being damp as I am. Looks like she's lost all hope of a day in the garden that doesn't leave her looking more drowned rat than cat! Anyone got any tips on cheering up a depressed kitty?
She did hang around (albeit halfheartedly) to assist with the cutting of all these squares though. She's not one for missing out on a sew in.....
After I'd warmed up and had a cup of tea I did some thinking. Really productive thinking. As you know a while back I decided to join Audry in her Quilty 365 Challenge. I'd like to say I deliberately waited till 1st January to make a start but that would be a fib. I just couldn't get my backside into gear before the new year arrived. An evening with all you girls finally gave me the momentum to get going.
First off I decided that I wanted to use just two fabrics for circle backgrounds. Spots and gingham. Then I decided I wanted to set the blocks 'on point' so I could play around with the setting triangles. How about that.... two major decisions in one evening. Can't begin to describe how chuffed to bits I was.
Next... I began to applique the circles that I'd prepped earlier in the week....
I really like this 'tree'. It does look better when it's 'on point'.
This is another favourite cut from a charm square of Curio fabric which I've been saving for something special.
All in all I manage to applique 6 of the 8 circles I'd made and I was very happy.
Just realised that green circle at the top looks plain.... it isn't. It's a text print. Don't know what happened to the photo. Rubbish photographer I think!
I really hope everyone who joined in FNWF had as good a time as I did. Thanks Cheryll for hosting yet another lovely sew in. I very much appreciate it.
I'm about to head up to bed now for some much needed beauty sleep(!) Tomorrow morning (weather permitting) I'm off to audition some chickens. Won't be bringing them home though. The weather has been too bad to get the coop sited. Besides the girls and I are off to the cottage for a week at the end of the month and I really can't contemplate leaving Mac 'home alone' with poultry. Not when he wants to call them..... Kebab, Bar-B-Cue, Kentucky Fried, Casserole etc. Seriously!
Before I go I have one last thing to say. I want to thank all of you who leave lovely comments on my posts even though I haven't been responding or commenting myself lately. I do so appreciate your support. My resolution for 2016 is to make finding time to visit and chat a priority. Chatting is what I love to do (you'd never have guessed) and I miss it terribly.
So... watch out! I'll be about!
Have a great rest of the weekend doing what makes you happy.
See you soon
Josie xxxxx