Tuesday, 20 November 2012

There goes the diet!

The fabric diet that is.  I was doing so well too.  Mind you had I been able to get to the Scottish Quilt Show in September the diet would have crashed and burned then.  I reckon I deserve some Brownie points for holding out till now.

Fabric shopping was the last thing on my mind last week until the weather forecasters predicted a nice day on Friday... the first one in ages.   The perfect opportunity to cut loose and take a little road trip.   I met up with Chris on the road and we headed down to Northumberland to visit Stitchin Heaven.

Heavenly it was too........  the bolts on the table are the latest French General line... all of it!  If you live within striking distance I suggest you get your skates on if you want some.  I'm betting it won't be there long.

All four walls are stocked with gorgeous fabrics and lovely patterns.  It was really hard to choose.....

but somehow I managed.   I couldn't let the side down now could I.    How about the lovely bags.....
the snowflake one belongs to Chris and the Christmas tree is mine.   Amazingly we were restrained enough to only need one bag each.   Wonders never cease!

In my bag were this lovely bunch of fat quarters.   I'm sure I get more points for having a plan for all of them... don't I?  Some are destined for the Dear Jane box and the rest of them I'll turn into pretty baskets .  Heaven knows I need a lot of those.

Then..... I saw this and was lost.  There was no saving me.  All common sense went out of the window and Hugs & Kisses Twas The Night Before Christmas went in the bag.   I have always loved this quilt but managed not to buy it.    Told myself it was more for kids than adults.  I've no children... no grandchildren... no nieces or nephews.  Not a child within a million miles of me (slight exaggeration) so it would be silly for me to even think of making this one.      But I love it!!     If you look at the wall behind the counter where our bags are sitting  it's there made up on the wall.    Too cruel!   How much temptation can one woman resist.  Not that much.   Now it's mine and I can't be blamed.......

Next stop was a garden centre for lunch.    By this time Chris and I were quite giddy and totally in touch with our inner children.    There was this really cute Nativity scene..... the animals moved.   We stood with the mum's dad's and little ones and cooo'd over the sheep, donkey and calf.   Then got a fit of giggles at the camel.  The darn thing was giving everyone the come on!   I kid you not the beast was almost leering.  It's certainly the most lecherous looking camel we ever saw.   Not that we bump into many hereabouts.... just as well.   

We just happened to be passing by the door (well almost) of Just Quilting on our way home.  So we had to pop in there too.    Oh dear... !    I do have a plan for this little bunch too.    The neutrals are backgrounds for the baskets and the two Christmas fabrics... well they were just nice.    That cute little May Blossom pattern got in there somehow.... maybe by magic....   

OK.... so I really made a mess of my fabric diet but I'm still doing alright with the Cavewoman one.    I'm tickled pink to tell you that I've now lost 12.7kg  = 28 lbs = 2 stones!!     There is quite a bit less of me than there was a couple of months ago.   Of course I've still a way to go but I'm soldiering on.  I need to be fit to tackle this garden next spring.   

There hasn't been a whole lot of time for sewing lately and what time there has been has been spent on Christmas Secret Stuff.    Still..... I'm almost done.  The packages will be in the post by the end of the week and normal sewing will be resumed.     By the way..... 'MY' quilt is no longer mine.   My mum saw it and decided she liked it too.... so it's going to be her new quilt.  Oh well........

Better get going.... it's past my bedtime.  Early start tomorrow... taking my mum shopping.   Got to have all my wits about me for that.......

Hope you are all having fun....

Till next time...
Josie X

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Happiness is......

finally finding time to make up the blocks for my new quilt.   I think I'm in love......

can't wait to snuggle under it.   Looks like Licky can't wait to snuggle on it either.

Now before you notice my little faux pas I'll tell you where it is.   Third row down... right hand side there are three blocks going in the same direction and looking like a row of egg timers.  Not any more.  I've turned the two blue/cream ones through 90 degrees.  Looks better now.    

This week I'm going to join the blocks and add the borders if it kills me.   I've not bought backing fabric for this quilt but I do have a lot of fabric left over from the top.   So I'm thinking of piecing squares for the back.  Quite like the idea of a reversible quilt too.... one side for me.... one for the pussies! 

Because you're not allowed to see any of the other projects I've been working on I had to buy a book to have something to show you.....

I know it's lame but it's the only excuse I could come up with for succumbing to the lure of  yet another
gorgeous quilting book from Edyta Sitar.

Raewyn... bet you a pound to a penny you can't watch this video without ordering it..... that goes for the rest of you too......;o))


I think I'm becoming an Edyta addict... one of these days I'll actually make one of her quilts instead of just drooling over them.   Problem is choosing which one........ watch this space.

While I'm on the subject of books.....  my mum surprised me with this.....

do you think she's trying to tell me something??   She also bought me one titled 'Wrinklies' Wit & Wisdom'... I'm not sure if I should be offended! 

What else.

Sally came over last week to layer up her latest quilt.....

It's a birthday present for her niece who's about to be 8 and is mad about pink.  I think she'll love it don't you.    Do you recognise the pattern?    Yep.... it's another take on  Nanny Sharons Picnic Quilt a real all time favourite of our little gang.

Cute flower block eh.....

Now you've seen it all.   Other news......

A decision has been made and a car has been ordered.    Something to think about..... how come a man who is convinced the world is going to end on 21st December orders a car for delivery in January.  Am I missing something? 

I blame National Geographic Channels Doomsday Preppers show for encouraging Mac and making him harder to spot in the garden....

Before I go I thought you might like to see part of my favourite road to the supermarket at this time of year.  The road just travelled.....

and the road ahead.....

I love living here!

I'm going now.  I've a bit of binding to stitch before I'm allowed to go to bed tonight.  No... I can't tell you what I'm binding you'll just have to wait to see.

Have a great week everyone....

See ya soon....
Josie X

Ooop's thought I'd better tell you that's not really Mac in camoflage......it's an actual prepper from the TV show.  But if Mac asks me to stitch us matching outfits like that I'll be sure to let you know ;o)